3/14/25 7:00 AM - Lesezeit

Power, Position, and Collaboration

Robert Karas

Chief Investment Officer, Partner

I wasn’t born a Chief Investment Officer. Of course, you already knew that. But I didn’t even start as Chief Investment Officer (CIO) at Gutmann.

When I joined Bank Gutmann in 2019, I had no title. No specific role. No team responsibility. Just a desk and the opportunity to meet people. I wanted to contribute, take on responsibility, and be part of something meaningful.

From new colleague to CIO

At my previous firm, I had been the Chief Investment Officer. And here? “Just” another new colleague. It was an interesting experience. Looking back, it was invaluable to get to know so many colleagues before COVID brought in-person interactions to a standstill for a long time. Whenever I saw a new face in the hallway, my (sometimes overly enthusiastic) question was: “Shall we grab lunch?” I wanted to understand how things worked here. And one thing stood out: how people interact when speaking on equal footing.

Hierarchy grants power - to a certain extent. A big word, often with a negative connotation. But when used correctly - for the benefit of all stakeholders - power drives progress and moves things forward. It creates room for action and is the opposite of powerlessness.

Hierarchy and its impact

In many companies, dynamics shift as soon as hierarchy comes into play. People interact differently depending on their position. At Gutmann, I don’t see these behavioral shifts. Conversations always focus on what truly matters - the core of our business: client needs, financial markets, positioning, efficiency. A good idea is a good idea, no matter who brings it forward.

Why am I telling you this? Because our clients matter to us. The results we achieve for them matter to us. And when things don’t go as planned, we quickly find solutions.

The back of my business card reads: “Value. And how to create it.” And that means more than just financial value. Our clients entrust us with their wealth - sometimes even their family history or the occasional secret. And that trust should continue to grow over time.

Disclaimer: This is a marketing communication. Investment in financial instruments is subject to market risks. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. The tax treatment depends on the personal circumstances of the respective client and may be subject to future changes. Bank Gutmann AG expressly points out that this document is intended exclusively for personal use and for information purposes only. It may not be published, reproduced or passed on without the consent of Bank Gutmann AG. The content of this document is not based on the individual needs of individual investors (desired return, tax situation, risk tolerance, etc.), but is of a general nature and is based on the latest knowledge of the persons responsible for its preparation at the time of going to press. This document is neither an offer nor an invitation to make an offer to buy or sell securities. The information required for disclosure pursuant to Section 25 of the Austrian Media Act can be found at the following web address: https://www.gutmann.at/impressum

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